This is a poem written by a young man who wants to be known as "Fractal". I dared to translate it, but my version is not nearly as good as his.
It’s like this where I come from,
A guy first-on he pulls his knife
A straight-on macho kills face-on
And doesn’t fuss or waste his time.
Says, “I lay bare my honor here”,
Guts don’t come from puny moaning,
Or skirmishing and shrugging,
Or by making worthless threats
To defy another guy.
If a guy goes bitter by himself
All by himself he has to cool.
If he aspires to ever age
However young he is right now,
Have the guts my good old friend
I, too, know how to fight.

Este es un poema escrito originalmente en español por un joven que se conoce sólo como "Fractal"
En mi patria hay la costumbre
Que hombre que saca el puñal
Si es macho mata de Frente
Y no se pone a cantar.
Que "si mi honor esta en juego",
Bravío no ha de llorar
Ni de esgrimir pataleta
Ni un ademán altercar
Ni con vanas amenazas
A otro hombre porfiar.
Que hombre que amaga en secreto
Solito se ha de calmar,
Si quiere llegar a viejo,
Que muy jovencito está.
Atrévase buen amigo
Yo también me se pelear.
References / Referencias:
1. Minoan fighters / peleadores de Minoa: http://www.mnsu.edu/emuseum/prehistory/aegean/galleryimages/minoanimages.html
2. Auto retratro de Siqueiros / self-portrait of Siqueiros: Self portrait of Siqueiros / Autoretrato de Siqueiros: http://www.biografiasyvidas.com/biografia/s/fotos/siqueiros1.jpg