domingo, 14 de junio de 2015

War: a fabulous piggy bank

War can be a fabulous piggy bank. It has been that way since the Civil War in the U.S. and in other countries like Great Britain, Sweden, Russia, and China. For certain large corporations* war is really very nice indeed, and furthermore all their employees help maintain the economies where they live and buy things, making armament good for all sorts of people.

Also, destroying other people's lives makes them angry, and motivates thoughts about revenge, especially if they were frightened children in a war scenario, and then grew up to find themselves with no economy and no possibilities in a damaged country. Then they have “uprisings”, and then the U.S. and NATO have go put order in those places and then…. The gift that goes on giving.

*like CACI International (profits $2,3 millions), Goodrich, (profits $2,2 million) and DynCorp (profits 2,4 million), just in arms sales and just the top three companies listed). Date: 2012. Source:…

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